Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pork in the stimulus bill - not creating jobs!

Here's a partial list of the crap the demoncrats have loaded the stimulus bill with:

Items in the House bill that have a Republican bull's-eye on them include:
$335 million for education related to sexually transmitted diseases
$650 million for coupons to help people make the switch to digital TV
$50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
$150 million for the Smithsonian Institution
$50 million for the National Cemetery Administration's monument and memorial repairs
$800 million for Amtrak, the country's railroad system
$2 billion for child-care subsidies
$400 million for global warming research
$100 million for reducing the danger of lead paint in homes
$2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects
$50 million for NASA facilities that may have been harmed by natural disaster
$200 million for the U.S. Geological Survey to monitor earthquakes and volcanoes
$650 million for the U.S. Forest Service to remove fish passage barriers, forest improvement and watershed enhancement projects
$1.5 million for a National Institute of Health/Institute of Medicine report to Congress
$400 million for the Social Security Administration's new National Computer Center
$325 million for Academic Achievement Awards
In the Senate version, there are additional servings of what conservatives term pork that won't generate new jobs, including:
$70 million for programs to help people quit smoking
$75 million for a super-computer for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

If you look at one of my posts below on WtE, you can see that this pork barbeque could build power plants to convert Municipal Solid Waste to electricity and/or gas and/or desalinate water. Tens of thousands of people would be employed to build the plants. Tens of thousands of people would be employed producing and transporting the materials that would be needed to build these plants. Many thousands of people would be employed for decades operating and maintaining the plants.

Here's a novel thought - have the plants built and operated by the TVA (they don't have to be in the southeast), so the government earns back the money spent to build them! Imagine that - a simple solution that pays for itself, increases permanent employment and generates green energy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nobody said the demoncrats were fair!

The Demoncrat Congressional Campaign committee is having an online petition drive against Rush Limbaugh because he made a comment against BHO.

Big deal? not really, but where were they when idiots like bill maher and michael moore did their Bush bashing?

What will they call for next, restriction of free speech? Bringing back the so-called fairness doctrine? Restriction of freedom of religion? We know they don't like guns, so the demoncrats will try to impinge on our Second Amendment rights.

Message to the demoncrats: put your time and effort into fixing the economy instead of whining about free speech that hurts your feelings! Grow up!

Thanks, IBD!

Thanks, IBD for putting this list together - it will help me to Watch The Demoncrats!


A Checklist Of Obama's Many Promises

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Posted Monday, November 10, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Few presidential candidates have made more specific promises to American voters than Barack Obama. They came so fast and furious in the latter part of the campaign, you'd be excused for not keeping up. So as a public service, we've put together a handy checklist of some of the biggest Obama promises — culled from his "Blueprint for Change," his campaign speeches and advertisements. Clip it. Save it. And see how he did in four years.

• Give a tax break to 95% of Americans.
• Restore Clinton-era tax rates on top income earners.
• "If you make under $250,000, you will not see your taxes increase by a single dime. Not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes. Nothing."
• Dramatically simplify tax filings so that millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes.
• Give American businesses a $3,000 tax credit for every job they create in the U.S.
• Eliminate capital gains taxes for small business and startup companies.
• Eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000.
• Expand the child and dependent care tax credit.
• Expand the earned income tax credit.
• Create a universal mortgage credit.
• Create a small business health tax credit.
• Provide a $500 "make work pay" tax credit to small businesses.
• Provide a $1,000 emergency energy rebate to families.
• Spend $15 billion a year on renewable sources of energy.
• Eliminate oil imports from the Middle East in 10 years.
• Increase fuel economy standards by 4% a year.
• Weatherize 1 million homes annually.
• Ensure that 10% of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012.
• Create 5 million green jobs.
• Implement a cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
• Get 1 million plug-in hybrids on the road by 2015.
• Sign a fair pay restoration act, which would overturn the Supreme Court's pay discrimination ruling.
• Sign into law an employee free choice act — aka card check — to make it easier for unions to organize.
• Make employers offer seven paid sick days per year.
• Increase the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2009.
National security
• Remove troops from Iraq by the summer of 2010.
• Cut spending on unproven missile defense systems.
• No more homeless veterans.
• Stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq.
• Finish the fight against Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida terrorists.
Social Security
• Work in a "bipartisan way to preserve Social Security for future generations."
• Impose a Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000.
• Match 50% of retirement savings up to $1,000 for families earning less than $75,000.
• Demand higher standards and more accountability from our teachers.
• Go through the budget, line by line, ending programs we don't need and making the ones we do need work better and cost less.
• Slash earmarks.
Health care
• Lower health care costs for the typical family by $2,500 a year.
• Let the uninsured get the same kind of health insurance that members of Congress get.
• Stop insurance companies from discriminating against those who are sick and need care the most.
• Spend $10 billion over five years on health care information technology.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Demoncrats had it wrong...

Like I've said before, the demoncrats caused the housing meltdown, by not allowing it to be fixed before it exploded. See this video:

Can any Massachusettes demoncrat explain why or how Barney Frank keeps getting re-elected???? Are you people THAT stupid???

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Typical left-wing liberal media spin

Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago:
"Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops Die in unarmored Humvees"
"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"
"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, Ordinary Americans get the shaft"

Headlines Today:
"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million"
"Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"
"Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"
"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"

Does that sound like an unbiased media? Hell, no. With so many voters incapable of thinking for themselves, the mainstream media convinced enough people to vote the demoncrats into office with their biased "reporting".

Perhaps we need a test for a minimum ability for reason and thought before people are given the right to vote...

Friday, January 23, 2009

American genocide: abortion. BHO: export it!

This is why I started this blog. To watch the demoncrats and to record their mis-deeds. Here we go again:

BHO will sign an executive order that will allow US funds to pay for abortions in other countries.

Our own brand of genocide, abortion (which has caused over 40 MILLION deaths since Roe V. Wade passed), is now being promoted world-wide. This drives me absolutely nuts!

The mechanism for this murder funding is part of $460 million in aid that we provide to some countries for "family planning". The last three Republican presidents have used executive orders to prevent this money from being used to kill babies; Clinton and BHO have recinded these orders to make it "okay" to use our money for baby-killing. Regardless of your opinion on abortion, the $460 million dollars should stay in the US to pay for insurance for some of the 46 million Americans that don't have it!

According to the demoncrats:

It's not okay to torture terrorists that want to kill us, but it's okay to kill babies.

It's okay to kill babies, but not the little animals and plants that hinder economic growth.

It's not okay for terminally ill people to die with dignity and grace, but it's okay to kill babies.

It's more important that our money be used to kill babies in other countries than to provide health care for Americans!!!

What is wrong with you demoncrats???

On a related note, why do so many Christians, especially Catholics, vote for demoncrats? Don't they even think about what the demoncrats stand for? The Catholic church doesn't even allow the use of birth control; they march every January in Washington on the anniversary of Roe V. Wade to protest abortion. Yet they vote for demoncrats who make no secret of their desire to support, pay for and promote abortion.

What is wrong with our thinking???

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Demoncrats are starting already...

BHO signed an executive order to close the detention center at Gitmo today... without a plan for what to do with the terrorists being held there. Duh! What are you going to do, demoncrats? Let them loose to continue to attack America and western civilization?

Another order was signed to prevent "torture" when interrogating terrorists. They cease to deserve to be treated like humans when they choose to be terrorists. They are less valuable than the lowest life form. It's acceptable for them to torture, dismember, maim and kill their prisoners, followed by dragging their mutilated bodies through the streets, but we can't use a little waterboarding to get valuable infomation? That's just wrong.

If it was up to me, we'd be using sodium pentathol or other truth serum, and every other means of obtaining the information we need. We are at war, here, folks! Quit with the freakin' politics, and ignore the morons in the liberal media and fight to win! What part of that don't you understand, demoncrats!?

Thank you, President Bush, for a job well done!

I appreciate the job that President Bush did in his eight years in the White House. While I didn't always agree with him (like with free trade agreements, which are neither free nor fair), he was a very good President. His detractors are short-sighted, short-memoried, liberal idiots.

I've been wanting to write about him, but thanks to Karl, I don't have to. I couldn't have said it better myself:

JANUARY 21, 2009, 10:48 P.M. ET (Wall Street Journal)
Bush Was Right When It Mattered Most

Its call sign has always been Air Force One. But on Tuesday, it was Special Air Mission 28000, as former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura returned home to Texas on a plane full of family, friends, former staff and memories of eight years in the White House.

The former president and his wife thanked each passenger, showing the thoughtfulness and grace so characteristic of this wonderful American family.

A video tribute produced warm laughter and inevitable tears. There was no bitterness, but rather a sense of gratitude -- gratitude for the opportunity to serve, for able and loyal colleagues, and above all for our country and its people.

Yet, as Mr. Bush left Washington, in a last angry frenzy his critics again distorted his record, maligned his character and repeated untruths about his years in the Oval Office. Nothing they wrote or said changes the essential facts.

To start with, Mr. Bush was right about Iraq. The world is safer without Saddam Hussein in power. And the former president was right to change strategy and surge more U.S. troops.

A legion of critics (including President Barack Obama) claimed it couldn't work. They were wrong. Iraq is now on the mend, the war is on the path to victory, al Qaeda has been dealt a humiliating defeat, and a democracy in the heart of the Arab world is emerging. The success of Mr. Bush's surge made it possible for President Obama to warn terrorists on Tuesday "you cannot outlast us."

Mr. Bush was right to establish a doctrine that holds those who harbor, train and support terrorists as responsible as the terrorists themselves. He was right to take the war on terror abroad instead of waiting until dangers fully materialize here at home. He was right to strengthen the military and intelligence and to create the new tools to monitor the communications of terrorists, freeze their assets, foil their plots, and kill and capture their operators.

These tough decisions -- which became unpopular in certain quarters only when memories of 9/11 began to fade -- kept America safe for seven years and made it possible for Mr. Obama to tell the terrorists on Tuesday "we will defeat you."

Mr. Bush was right to be a unilateralist when it came to combating AIDS in Africa. While world leaders dithered, his President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief initiative brought lifesaving antiretroviral drugs to millions of Africans.

At home, Mr. Bush cut income taxes for every American who pays taxes. He also cut taxes on capital, investment and savings. The result was 52 months of growth and the strongest economy of any developed country.

Mr. Bush was right to match tax cuts with spending restraint. This is a source of dispute, especially among conservatives, but the record is there to see. Bill Clinton's last budget increased domestic nonsecurity discretionary spending by 16%. Mr. Bush cut that to 6.2% growth in his first budget, 5.5% in his second, 4.3% in his third, 2.2% in his fourth, and then below inflation, on average, since. That isn't the sum total of the fiscal record, of course -- but it's a key part of it.
He was right to have modernized Medicare with prescription drug benefits provided through competition, not delivered by government. The program is costing 40% less than projected because market forces dominate and people -- not government -- are making the decisions.

Mr. Bush was right to pass No Child Left Behind (NCLB), requiring states to set up tough accountability systems that measure every child's progress at school. As a result, reading and math scores have risen more in the last five years since NCLB than in the prior 28 years.
He was right to stand for a culture of life. And he was right to appoint conservative judges who strictly interpret the Constitution.

And Mr. Bush, a man of core decency and integrity, was right not to reply in kind when Democratic leaders called him a liar and a loser. The price of trying to change the tone in Washington was to be often pummeled by lesser men.

Few presidents had as many challenges arise during their eight years, had as many tough calls to make in such a partisan-charged environment, or had to act in the face of such hostile media and elite opinion.

On board Special Air Mission 28000, I remembered the picture I carried in my pocket on my first Air Force One flight eight years ago. It was an old black-and-white snapshot with scalloped edges. It showed Lyndon Johnson in the Cabinet Room, head in hand, weeping over a Vietnam casualty report. George Christian, LBJ's press secretary, gave it to me as a reminder that the job could break anyone, no matter how big and tough.

But despite facing challenges and crises few others have, the job did not break George W. Bush. Though older and grayer, his brows more furrowed, he is the same man he was, a person of integrity who did what he believed was right. And he exits knowing he summoned all of his energy and talents to defend America and advance its ideals at home and abroad. He didn't get everything right -- no president does -- but he got the most important things right. And that is enough.

Mr. Rove is the former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to President George W. Bush.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Short memories: Bush is not solely to blame!

When the US went to war in Iraq, the majority of the Congress and the country supported that decision. It was based on the information we had at the time. It turns out that they either moved the WMD out of the country or the intelligence was wrong. The US screwed things up by trying to run the war from Congress, instead of giving the military a job to do and letting them do it. President Bush did not supply the intelligence, he did not move the WMD out of Iraq and he didn't try to run the military: IT IS NOT HIS FAULT THE WAR HAS TURNED INTO SUCH A MESS! The blame lies with the Demoncrats who politicized the war, restricted funding to the military and trying to run it from Washington, DC.

The housing crisis started with the last demoncrat President we had, when he led the Congress to pass laws that lowered the minimum requirements for a mortgage. People that should not have been given a loan because they were not capable of repaying it were given loans. No one should have been surprised when their houses went into foreclosure. The Congress and that skirt-chasing embarassment of a President (Clinton, for those with the short memories) were told it was going to cause trouble, but they didn't listen. The Congress was told in 2003 that we were headed for trouble, but the demoncrats prevented any corrective measures from being taken. Barney Frank is an idiot - he said Fannie and Freddie were "fine" in 2006. He is either stupid or a liar, or both. Those in Massachusettes who keep electing that moron are just as stupid as he is! IT IS NOT PRESIDENT BUSH'S FAULT THE HOUSING MARKET CRASHED!

This country has lost millions of manufacturing jobs in the last 15 years. The Congress is to blame for incentives and tax breaks to the companies that moved them and for enacting "free trade", which is neither free nor fair. Those companies are to blame for moving them, sacrificing the American people for a few dollars' profit. The American people are to blame. If you own a Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Kia, Honda or other import, IT IS YOUR FAULT! Pay attention to what you buy, Americans, because when you buy imported stuff, you hurt the economy and working people in this country - it might be you, someone in your family or your neighborhood. STOP BUYING IMPORTS!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The price of freedom is freedom (?)

The freedoms that the people of the US, Canada, Australia and most European nations have could be having the result of the loss of those very freedoms!

It's a bit of a conundrum - you have the freedom of free speech that allows you to spew hatred (for example, to support Palestine and attack Jews) and soon you will lose that freedom as those who abuse it then gain power. The loud minorities are permitted to say whatever they want, but those that hold to their values are persecuted for repressing free speech!

I will not feel guilty for being a Christian, even as the atheists, muslims and others persecute Christians without restraint (personal or governmental). But when a Christian responds, or expresses an opinion against those evil minorities, they are told to shut up or risk arrest. My daughter was told she couldn't doodle a cross in her notebook in school. There was no problem with doodling a tree, there wouldn't have been a problem with a pentagram or muslim symbol, but she was not allowed to draw a cross. This country was populated and founded by people who were seeking to escape prosecution for their faith, and they happened to be Christian. That is our heritage, and it cannot be changed. We are guaranteed freedom OF religion by the constitution, not freedom FROM religion. You do whatever your want with your faith, but I have the right to practice mine - and I will not be limited to doing so in private!

I will not be persecuted for being proud to be an American, and to display it. I will get hassled, though, if I protest the singing of our National Athem in Spanish. I will protest it, though, you can believe that!

I will not feel guilty for being white, either. Let me be clear on this: I am not prejudiced. I have no ill will against any person based on the color of their skin or their religious choice, or any other element of diversity. But, I have not persecuted anyone for those things, so I will not be made to feel guilty for it either. I am saddened by the bad treatment of Native Americans, blacks, Asians, Jews and every other group/race/people in the past. It was wrong. But I didn't do it, there is nothing I can do to change it, and I will not feel guilt for not being in one of those classes, or for being in the one I am in. Also, I do not believe that anyone in those examples deserve special treatment or reparations for that, either. All people should be treated equally, me included.

We need to protect our freedoms, and not allow the same freedoms to give others the power to restrict ours.

Tolerance is a wonderful thing - but if you don't agree with me, that's fine, but do not be intolerant and try to prevent me from disagreeing with you!