Friday, March 27, 2009

Absolutely ridiculous!

California is considering a ban on black cars. Really? No black cars, because they use more energy for air conditioning? Seriously, you Californians are some silly people! What will you do next, paint all the roads white?

Here's an idea being considered in the demoncrat circles: release prisoners of war, enemy combatants, muslim terrorist criminals now at Gitmo, INTO the US and give them money "to get started". Please - take more drugs - you are already high - please take more until you fall asleep and can't ruin this country any worse!

The scariest thing coming down the road: the UN's replacement for the ridiculous Kyoto Protocol is even worse. It will drive the US and the world into a depression unlike any ever imagined. They want to tax anything that uses fossil fuels to levels that will force them out of use - with no replacement available in the foreseeable future - this will put us in the dark forever. It's absolute madness!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Newspaper going out of business - bailout? NO!

Bail out newspapers? Not only no, but HELL NO!

Newspapers are dinosaurs - they are being replaced by electronic information. Their demise is simply a fact of technology. Toaster ovens are gone because of microwaves. Video tapes are gone because of DVD's. Albums and cassette tapes are gone because of CD's. The examples are nearly endless. Newspapers are no longer needed, should not get a dime of taxpayer money and need to change and adapt or go out of business. Simple market-based economic rules here.

I personally get my news from TV, the computer and my Blackberry. I've read one newspaper in the last six months. There is no reason to "save" newspapers. Good bye!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The dismantling of America continues...

IBM is laying off another 5,000 Americans and moving the jobs to India. I sent them a letter, to an address I found on their website, contact page: Guess where it was read? Yup, India. This is not just about IBM (the bastards!), this is symptomatic in the US. This needs to be fixed - here's how: levy a tax on every company for every job it moves overseas (which will make a lot of companies lie about layoffs - tax them too) and give a tax break to every company for every job it creates in the US.

The head of the Department of Homeland Security doesn't want to use the word terrorism anymore, preferring "man-made disasters". Does this head-in-the-sand idiot demoncrat make you feel safer?

The news today reports that every man, woman and child in the US bears over $22,000 in government debt. It's only going to get worse, unless we stop them!

Some parents in Florida are suing a school because they taught 3rd-graders the words to Diamond Rio's song, In God We Still Trust, because it makes reference to God. They must be demoncrats, trying to get money for nothing. Yes, we have separation of Church and State. Yes, we are guaranteed freedom of religion - but it's not freedom FROM religion! If you want absolute freedom from religion, move to France! You cannot re-write history - this country was founded for religious freedom and it will STAY that way. If you don't like it, execise your freedom to MOVE OUT!

This is the funniest thing I've heard all day: Feinstein, the demoncrat senator from California, the green-brainless boil on the US map, is going to prevent the construction of solar and wind power plants in the desert - because of the hazard to the habitat of the dirt-dwellers! You can't have it both ways, you moron! Your state mandates renewable energy, then you want to block it from being built! LOL!

Yet another demoncrat crook: (from Fox News) "Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., helped steered millions of dollars in bailout funds to a bank on whose board her husband served, the New York Times reported Thursday. The bank also didn't appear to meet the requirements for receiving the money, the newspaper reported."

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's time to stop the madness!

Thus far, I've been recording the evil deeds of the demoncrats, so we remember their true colors in 2010 and beyond. Now I'd like to offer alternative solutions and encourage positive change, instead of promulgating the dread of the foreseeable future.

We are spending our way to disaster, according to the CBO, but it’s not too late to reverse the course.

There are stimulus things that will have a return, but many don’t – please focus on those that will be paid back and not just become a larger tax burden to the next generations.

Don’t increase welfare spending – spend more on job and skills training.

Don’t tax the oil and gas industries, which will increase everyone’s taxes – encourage more domestic production, to employ more people and strengthen our national security while reducing funding to hostile nations.

We throw away enough (renewable) fuel for 600+ Waste-to-Energy power plants – build plants to employ people, increase recycling, reduce coal-fueled electricity generation and get a return on the stimulus money. Build them at existing landfills, where the fuel is already being delivered. Stop filling landfills (which causes groundwater and air pollution).

Make bailout loans available to people, to pay off credit cards. This will add to the money banks have to lend, reduce the next financial crisis in credit card defaults, will free up money in family budgets and stimulate the economy. Have loans paid back with income tax refunds. Charge a nominal interest rate so the impact on the national debt decreases. If I paid off a $10,000 credit card, $300 per month gets freed up in my family’s budget, which could mean the difference in making house/car/credit card payments and will give me money to spend in the economy. Multiply that by 20 million people and think of the potential!

Don’t tax health care benefits, don’t give away health care – encourage employers (with tax breaks) to provide health care – this encourages people to work.

Stop the giveaways – when people get money and health care for free, they lose their incentive to work or start a business. Don’t increase unemployment benefits, tie the benefits to employment. Give people incentives to work! More people working means more people paying taxes instead of taxes paying for people.

Stop illegal immigration and deal with the illegal immigrants. Don’t spend money to provide for them (giving more incentives to break the law), spend the money to control immigration and enforce the existing laws. It is a logical choice!

We can’t wait for hybrid cars – employ people to convert existing cars to natural gas and build fueling stations.

The United States is still on an economic downward spiral – it’s not too late to reverse it!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama is a LIAR!!!!

Again, BHO promised "no tax increase for those making less that $250K/year".

His budget calls for $400 Billion in taxes on the oil and gas industry - one that will be added to the price of every gallon of gas and every therm of natural gas sold - a TAX ON EVERYONE!!!

You LIED obama! You are a LIAR!!!

You need to resign, you worthless, un-American LIAR!!!!

This guy made promises all through his campaign - he has done nothing but break those promises and lie since he took office. He has the help of a majority of demoncrats in the Congress - 2010 can't get here soon enough for us to get rid of them.

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Addendum, 03.23.09: Chris Dodd, demoncrat senator from CT, fits right in with the demoncrat liar's club. One day last week he denied responsibility for the amendment that would allow the AIG bonuses to be paid. This was on a nationally televised interview on one of the liberal media lemming-channels. The next day, he admitted it was him. Liar! Note that he also got big campaign contributions from AIG and a "special" mortgage from Countrywide. Crook!
Hey, people of Connecticut - are you going to re-elect the flip-flopping liar? Or are you going ignore the facts and vote to continue the demoncrat ruination of the USA?

Military to provide own health insurance? (CORRECTED)

BHO wants military people to pay for the health care for war wounds? Is he trying to eliminate the military?

Those people, the finest Americans, put their lives on the line for their country - and BHO wants them to provide their own insurance??? From the same companies who nearly all include a limitation for wounds as a result of war?

This guy has gone off the deep end - he doesn't have a clue about running a country. His idiocy has got to stop!

03.19.09. Finally, some sanity from BHO - he has dropped this proposal from consideration. It proves that if enough people take a stand and voice their opinion, even the highest-ranking politician will change his mind. Thank God!

Hmmm... perhaps this is an example of "governing by poll", of deciding policy based on popular opinion, of flip-flopping based on whatever way the wind is blowing... That's okay, but the conservatives, those of sound mind and body, those that believe in the greatness of America, will band together and be heard!

Speak up!

Pelosi: "immigration raids un-American" WHAT???

It's un-American to arrest criminals? Illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL! They are criminals and need to be arrested wherever they are!

So their families are "torn apart"... they knew that risk when they committed their crimes! It's the cost of business - do a crime, you risk getting caught and arrested!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

NOT enemy combatants? Try prisoners of war!

The detainees at GITMO are prisoners of war, until the war on terror is over. All we are required to do is to treat them according to the Geneva Convention. They don't deserve any consititutional rights or due process or Miranda rights. They are the enemy, removed from the battlefield and should be detained until Al Qaeda and the Taliban surrender.

Those previously freed have rejoined the war, killing our military. That blood is on YOUR hands, BHO. Are you prepared for more?

Only a muslim sympathizer would free those prisoners of war.

It's not too smart to order the closure of the prison without the war being over or having a reasonable disposition for the prisoners.

That's too liberal and anti-American. Wake up, Mr. President!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Earmark hogs top 20 (and not just demoncrats)

(thanks to Fox News)
Who is the biggest earmarker of them all? According to Taxpayers for Common Sense, Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., takes the cake, with 60 earmarks worth $123 million in the latest spending bill before the Senate.
But he's hardly alone. The budget watchdog group has released its latest list breaking down the earmarks, lawmaker-by-lawmaker, in the $410 billion bill set to come up for a vote by the end of the day. The bill would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year, with an 8.5 percent increase over last year and billions of dollars in pet projects.
Here's a breakdown of the top 20 earmarking senators and the value of their solo earmarks:
1) Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. -- $122,804,900
2) Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. -- $114,484,250
3) Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo. -- $85,691,491
4) Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. -- $76,899,425
5) Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss. -- $75,908,475
6) Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska -- $74,000,750
7) Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa -- $66,860,000
8) Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. -- $53,133,500
9) Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. -- $51,186,000
10) Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii -- $46,380,205
11) Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. -- $39,228,250
12) Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. -- $36,547,100
13) Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt. -- $36,161,125
14) Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. -- $35,577,250
15) Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa. -- $27,169,750
16) Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. -- $26,628,613
17) Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. -- $25,320,000
18) Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis. -- $23,832,000
19) Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. -- $21,952,250
20) Former Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. -- $19,588,625

7 of the top 20 are republicans - if you live in their states, you need to write or call them and tell them that they need to be leaders in this area - stop the pork!

Attention Sarah Palin! You need to talk to Murkowski and tell her to back off!

Attention John McCain! You need to talk to your republican counterparts and straighten the out!

That goes for you demoncrats too! Call or write your senators - stop the pork!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Summary: BHO ruining the USA

BHO is turning the country into a socialist state by taking from the earners and giving to the non-earners. Welfare is being increased and taxes are being raised. He is courting muslim terrorists. He is lying and breaking promises on a weekly or daily basis.

The country doesn't want and can't afford universal health care, so he's implementing it a piece at a time, slipping it past people too stupid to realize it or too stupid to care. He's going to raise taxes even more to pay for it.

BHO is going to reduce the deduction for charitable contributions, which one study estimates will reduce giving by almost half by those affected. This will hurt more people, so the government will have to step in and spend more money to take up the slack.

This country is in serious trouble, yet BHO wants to give the Palestinians at least $900 million dollars to rebuild after "the Isreali offensive". It wasn't an offensive, it was a defensive retaliation. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Hamas terrorists will get their hands on it.

Iran continues to work towards nuclear weapons to use against Isreal and the West. Only a complete idiot would believe they are working toward nuclear power plants. To be in the world community, you have to be a good neighbor. Iran is neither and needs to be stopped, regardless of what it takes. All terrorists need to be eliminated, including Hamas, Taliban and the Iranian regime.

The unions will continue to destroy business in America, with BHO pushing for open voting, which will allow unions to coerce people into voting for a union. Unions are bad for business and corrupt, as bad as any Chicago political group. Just look what they've done to the steel industry and many, many others. How unions can convince their members that "no job" is better than wage concessions is beyond me - the members can't all be that stupid. The only unions with any sense are in the airlines - less money is better than no money, right?

Since BHO took office, the markets are down over 20%. The "change" President is destroying wealth. Let me keep my money - you can keep the change.

Stimulus should help the economy, should be temporary, and should have the chance of being paid back. Welfare is none of that. Loan people money to pay off credit cards - that gives people money to spend, gives the banks money to loan again and gets paid back with interest. That would work. Create jobs by building waste-to-energy plants (we have the fuel for 600+ new power plants) and drilling for domestic oil and gas (we have $2 to $4 Trillion worth in this country) - these industries would put people to work and profits pay back the stimulus investment with interest.

BHO says he's going to halve the deficit in four years - but he's already doubled in in his first two months in office! One way he proposes to raise taxes is the cap-and-trade tax on carbon, which will actually add taxes to electricity, gasoline, oil and gas - effectively raising taxes on EVERYONE!

The media has lost its credibility - the vast majority of the media has become nothing more than a mouthpice for the the liberal/socialist demoncrat spin machine. If I was a journalist, I'd be looking for a new career, rather than give up my integrity and my morals to keep the job.

BHO has picked a few tax cheats for his administration, and even appointed one to head the IRS. That's like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. If we just had the political elites (demoncrats AND republicans) audited, we could bring billions of overdue tax dollars into the treasury.

The ruination of this country must stop! I don't know if we will survive until 2010 when we can change the congress.

I always say "don't complain about something unless you have a solution". So here's mine:
Un-elect the demoncrats, starting with Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, in two years. Un-elect BHO in four years.
Bring welfare reform back - invest in processes and industries that will pay for themselves (as mentioned earlier).
Be responsible people, be honest, take care of your family. Pay your taxes and your bills. Get a job if you don't have one. Get training if you need it. Start a business and hire people.
Give the (next) President the line-item veto.
Support your local schools with your time and resources.
Go to church.
When outdoors, take only pictures and leave only footprints.

God bless the USA - please turn us around!

Monday, March 2, 2009

More lies! BHO = LIAR!!!

BHO promised an end to the pork, the earmarks, the irresponsible spending. LIAR!!!

His current budget will spend MILLIONS on pork. His staff tried to explain it away as "last year's business" and "we're going to start fresh next year". If it's last year's, it's too late! Why waste more money this year - stop it now! They really must think we're idiots!

How can he be believed in the future after his broken promises? He said there would be no pork, there is pork. He said there would be no lobbyists in his administration, there are lobbyists.

How is he any different than Blogojevich? Nixon? Spitzer? Any other notorious liar?

He also promised 95% of the people would have a tax cut or no increase in taxes. 40% of people don't pay taxes - they are not getting a tax cut, they are getting a gift (of our money and our children's money). He's talking about reducing the deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions - this is the same as raising taxes. He's planning to increase the tax rate on dividends. People who make less that $250K/year earn dividends too - our taxes are going up. LIAR!!!!

The American people have been played for fools - they (I damn sure didn't vote for him) bought his lies and now we will all suffer. BHO is nothing more than a run-of-the-mill politician, lying to get elected and continuing to lie to the American people.

I'm with Rush: I HOPE HE FAILS!!!