BHO wants military people to pay for the health care for war wounds? Is he trying to eliminate the military?
Those people, the finest Americans, put their lives on the line for their country - and BHO wants them to provide their own insurance??? From the same companies who nearly all include a limitation for wounds as a result of war?
This guy has gone off the deep end - he doesn't have a clue about running a country. His idiocy has got to stop!
03.19.09. Finally, some sanity from BHO - he has dropped this proposal from consideration. It proves that if enough people take a stand and voice their opinion, even the highest-ranking politician will change his mind. Thank God!
Hmmm... perhaps this is an example of "governing by poll", of deciding policy based on popular opinion, of flip-flopping based on whatever way the wind is blowing... That's okay, but the conservatives, those of sound mind and body, those that believe in the greatness of America, will band together and be heard!
Speak up!