Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random comments...

I started this blog as a way to vent my frustration and disgust with the election and presidency of BHO, coupled with the demoncrat majorities in the House and Senate. Hardly a day passes that they don't do or talk about something that damages our country. It is such a frequent occurance, I am getting depressed. But I must continue, lest we forget in 2010, when we have a chance to take our country back and try to save it from this liberal demoncrat destruction.

BHO bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia. He embarassed us again in front of the entire world.

He apologized for America's "arrogance". If he is ashamed of the US, he should leave.

BHO told the people of Turkey that the US is not a Christian nation. Obviously, he doesn't know the history of the US.

I've written to the White House from (from the contact us link) and told him about his screw-ups. I suggested that he do the honorable thing and resign. If he was a man of reason, a man of honor (I know - that's a stretch to imagine), a real American, he would realize that his change is the wrong change. That there would be more honor in resigning than reversing course.

Seriously, BHO, you suck as a president. You are not qualified for the job and you should quit.

The Congressional Black Caucus, the last racist group in the House, visited with the commies in Cuba. They came back and said we need to work to normalize relations. Hey, you seditionists - have you bothered to learn any history? Should we just ignore 40+ years of the worst human rights record next to China? Pelosi, of course, sanctioned their trip (and waste of taxpayer dollars). They are following the lead of their idol, the ignorant BHO, by sucking up to the leaders of hostile neighbors. They also need to resign...

I'm beginning to believe that we Americans are victims of a vast left-wing conspiracy. I find it hard to believe that over 60% of the population approve of the job he's doing. I still find it hard to believe - and I dont' want to believe - that over 50% of voters were stupid enough to vote for him in the first place. The media is owned by the liberal demoncrats and they are leading the ignorant like lemmings behind a false king. What has happened to the consciousness and conscience of these people?

God, please bless the USA, in spite of our idiot "leaders"... we need it now more than ever!