Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama is a LIAR!!!!

Again, BHO promised "no tax increase for those making less that $250K/year".

His budget calls for $400 Billion in taxes on the oil and gas industry - one that will be added to the price of every gallon of gas and every therm of natural gas sold - a TAX ON EVERYONE!!!

You LIED obama! You are a LIAR!!!

You need to resign, you worthless, un-American LIAR!!!!

This guy made promises all through his campaign - he has done nothing but break those promises and lie since he took office. He has the help of a majority of demoncrats in the Congress - 2010 can't get here soon enough for us to get rid of them.

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B ig
A ss
M istake
A merica

Addendum, 03.23.09: Chris Dodd, demoncrat senator from CT, fits right in with the demoncrat liar's club. One day last week he denied responsibility for the amendment that would allow the AIG bonuses to be paid. This was on a nationally televised interview on one of the liberal media lemming-channels. The next day, he admitted it was him. Liar! Note that he also got big campaign contributions from AIG and a "special" mortgage from Countrywide. Crook!
Hey, people of Connecticut - are you going to re-elect the flip-flopping liar? Or are you going ignore the facts and vote to continue the demoncrat ruination of the USA?