Monday, March 2, 2009

More lies! BHO = LIAR!!!

BHO promised an end to the pork, the earmarks, the irresponsible spending. LIAR!!!

His current budget will spend MILLIONS on pork. His staff tried to explain it away as "last year's business" and "we're going to start fresh next year". If it's last year's, it's too late! Why waste more money this year - stop it now! They really must think we're idiots!

How can he be believed in the future after his broken promises? He said there would be no pork, there is pork. He said there would be no lobbyists in his administration, there are lobbyists.

How is he any different than Blogojevich? Nixon? Spitzer? Any other notorious liar?

He also promised 95% of the people would have a tax cut or no increase in taxes. 40% of people don't pay taxes - they are not getting a tax cut, they are getting a gift (of our money and our children's money). He's talking about reducing the deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions - this is the same as raising taxes. He's planning to increase the tax rate on dividends. People who make less that $250K/year earn dividends too - our taxes are going up. LIAR!!!!

The American people have been played for fools - they (I damn sure didn't vote for him) bought his lies and now we will all suffer. BHO is nothing more than a run-of-the-mill politician, lying to get elected and continuing to lie to the American people.

I'm with Rush: I HOPE HE FAILS!!!

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